Author: Intellectual Journey

what’s the deal with happiness and well-being?

Posted by: Intellectual Journey Posted on: November 10, 2022 Comments: 0

Unlocking the Harmony of Happiness and Well-being: Happiness and well-being are the dynamic partnership of a fulfilling life, working together to promote feelings of joy, contentment, and general satisfaction. Let’s get into the specifics of this collaboration, examining what makes the link between happiness and well-being so unique. 1. Riding the Rollercoaster of Emotions: Happiness is a wonderful emotional rollercoaster. It’s the chuckles from a humorous movie or the warmth…

How does it feel to be so old?

Posted by: Intellectual Journey Posted on: November 10, 2022 Comments: 0

Getting older is a unique and personal experience, and people’s reactions to it can differ greatly. Let’s look at some common features of what it’s like to mature in a humane way. 1. Reflection and Wisdom As we get older, we tend to ponder on our life experiences more. Many people experience a growing sense of knowledge as a result of their triumphs, failures, and other obstacles in life. It’s…

How can we define Culture?

Posted by: Intellectual Journey Posted on: November 10, 2022 Comments: 0

Culture can be described in a variety of ways, but it refers to a wide range of human activities, ideas, values, conventions, behaviors, and artifacts that are shared and transmitted within a social group. Here are a few approaches to determining culture: Anthropological Perspective: Anthropologists define culture as the complex sum of knowledge, beliefs, arts, morality, laws, customs, and any other talents and habits acquired by humans as members of…

What is the meaning of a true risk taker?

Posted by: Intellectual Journey Posted on: November 10, 2022 Comments: 0

Certainly! A true risk taker accepts uncertainty and bravely walks into the unknown. In philosophy and psychology, the concept of being a true risk-taker extends beyond the act of taking chances; it digs into the underlying characteristics of human nature and decision-making. At its core, being a true risk-taker entails being willing to move outside one’s comfort zone and face difficulties that may result in unexpected outcomes. It embodies the…

What journey does the entrepreneur seek, besides solving problems and making money?

Posted by: Intellectual Journey Posted on: November 10, 2022 Comments: 0

Beyond the practical components of issue resolution and financial gain, being an entrepreneur is a rich and multifaceted journey distinguished by personal growth, impact creation, and a never-ending pursuit of passion. Let’s peel back the layers of this entrepreneurial endeavor. Entrepreneurship is fundamentally a transformational path of self-discovery and personal development. The entrepreneur attempts to comprehend not only the complexities of the market and business, but also the scope of…

Why is failure not an option?

Posted by: Intellectual Journey Posted on: November 10, 2022 Comments: 0

The statement “Failure is not an option” reflects an attitude firmly ingrained in the human psyche and numerous fields of effort, ranging from personal goals to professional interests. At its core, this statement represents a firm determination to succeed, stemming from the recognition that failure is not an acceptable outcome.   Personal Growth and Fulfillment: Many people see achievement as essential to personal development and fulfillment. A sense of accomplishment…

Is there any proof on whether technological development never ends?

Posted by: Intellectual Journey Posted on: November 9, 2022 Comments: 0

Throughout history, humanity has shown a steady pattern of technological development. From the discovery of the wheel to the birth of the internet, each period has seen new technological advances that build on past discoveries. Historical Evidence: Throughout history, humanity has shown a steady pattern of technical advancement. From the discovery of the wheel to the birth of the internet, each period has seen new technological advances that build on…

Is success real? Is It About Being Happy or Having Stuff?

Posted by: Intellectual Journey Posted on: November 9, 2022 Comments: 0

Real success is like a big idea that’s all about what people want, how they see things, and the rules in our community.  In the human context, success is quite real, functioning as a meaningful and subjective indicator of performance, fulfillment, and personal development. Individuals frequently associate success with pursuing personal goals and realizing one’s full potential. It can take many forms, including academic success, career development, personal relationships, and…

What is the philosophy of lifestyle?

Posted by: Intellectual Journey Posted on: November 9, 2022 Comments: 0

Daniel: All right, so when we discuss philosophy of lifestyle, it’s like delving into the core of the way we decide to live. Choosing a career or hobbies is not as important as the underlying values that inform those decisions. clara: I completely understand! We use it as a kind of compass when making decisions in life. The rationale behind our actions, you know. The catch is that while making…